A Machine Learning-Driven Online Mobile Application for Personalized Student Stress Management

Project Description

In response to a rise in student suicides in Hong Kong, we propose a mobile app designed to help students manage stress and enhance emotional resilience.

Highlighted Feature

  • Initial Stress Review
  • Personalised Tips of the Day and other Miscellaneous features
  • Stress Log and Tracking
  • Thought Sharing Platform
  • Stress Warning System

Main Features

Initial Stress Review

An initial quiz to determine users’ stress level.

Personalised Tips of the Day

Offer daily personalized tips and relaxation techniques based on user preferences and feedback.

Stress Log and Tracking 

Users are prompted to log their stress levels daily upon login, providing a continuous record of their emotional state. This visualizing stress trends over time, helping users identify patterns and triggers. 

Thought Sharing Platform

An online peer forum, enabling users to share their stress management strategies, initiate discussions about their challenges and receive peer inputs. 

Stress Warning System 

A machine learning-based early warning system will be used to identify students experiencing severe stress or suicidal ideation.

Project Schedule

PeriodWork DescriptionProgress 
Sep~early Oct-Research 
-Architectural specifications 
Oct -Augment and filter test data (if necessary) 
-Build and train initial models 
-Construct initial mobile application (Front end) 
Nov~Dec-Construct mobile application (Back end) 
-tune the hyperparameters of the models 
JanĀ -Prepare interim report and presentationOngoing
Jan~Mar -Debug and improve mobile app based on feedback 
-Fine tune the models 
-User testing
Not Started
Apr -Prepare for final report and presentation 
-Source code clean up 
-App deployment
Not Started

Detail Project Plan